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Blog aprendiendo a cocinar

Blog aprendiendo a cocinar

Cau cau Peruvian food

It turns out that a couple of months ago our son developed an extreme fondness for “grilled cheese” sandwiches. And when I say extreme I mean at least one every day. There are 3 or 4 sandwich days. Quite a few of these breads are baked in the house.

After our son saw that I made the attempt and it wasn’t fatal at all, the natural thing happened next. Every now and then he started asking me to make him a grilled cheese. And with that I started to get a little more practice making the sandwiches. And they got better and better. That’s what happens when we practice, we don’t get better at whatever it is we are learning.

So the learning process continued. Each time the bread came out better and better toasted. And so I kept making sandwiches until one day I heard the comment I never thought I’d hear. “Perfect toast,” decreed the diner! It seems that I am now beginning to master the process of toasting breads to make “grilled cheese” sandwiches. And this feels good. It feels really good. Mastering something with some degree of mastery is extremely motivating. It boosts our self-esteem and encourages us to want to learn more.

Cau cau peruano receta

Ambas, batidoras de mano o de pie funcionarán, así como batidoras de inmersión o normales para cocinar con café y para el uso diario. Para los cocineros jóvenes, yo empezaría con una buena batidora de pie, ya que son casi un equipo manos libres. Para cocinas pequeñas, recomendaría batidoras de mano potentes. Y para ambos, para limpiar rápida y fácilmente y cocinar con café recomendaría las batidoras de inmersión, estoy enamorada de ellas. Compro todas las variedades que salen para probarlas, y la única recomendación que tengo, es que te permita separar el motor y la cuchilla para limpiarla, te durará para siempre.

Espátulas, una de cada, de plástico para raspar y de metal para decorar, mangas pasteleras (1, “20, 1 # 12) con acoples redondos y tubos. Aunque también puedes experimentar con los tubos de plástico para decorar, que parecen botellas de ketchup de los juguetes de Jack in the Box. Puede que sean un poco más difíciles para empezar, pero son estupendos para limpiar. Y hazlo divertido; qué más da que el diseño salga torcido al principio. Deja que tus hijos también los usen. Los niños, al menos mientras todos crecíamos, y los míos también, han tomado café por las mañanas para ir al colegio. Como todo con moderación, ellos también pueden beber y cocinar con café. Para los que no estén de acuerdo el descafeinado hace el trabajo y además mantiene sus antioxidantes.

How to prepare caucau

Did you know that Italy is the country of pizza, pasta and ice cream, famous for its monuments, landscapes, history, charming and funny people? Surely you know in detail many of its characteristics, but you have not thought about one of the most important: the Italian language, or as they say in Italy, l’italiano. Here are 10 reasons why you’ll love learning Italian – read on to find out!

One of the most important points of Italian is the non-verbal gestures, very important to understand the culture and the conversation that is taking place. Surely the hand pick gesture is the first one that comes to mind, but mastering Italian will allow you to discover other non-verbal Italian gestures and all the meanings and associations they have.

Have you ever heard someone speaking Italian, do you find that Spanish and Italian are similar or can you even understand some words? For Spanish speakers, languages that come from Latin are much simpler, as they have more or less the same root and follow the same scheme for variations and conjugations.

How to prepare Peruvian Italian style mondonguito

I’m so excited! When I started this blog I didn’t think I was going to like this so much. Now 3 months later, not only have I discovered that I love it, but I have been able to see that the network is full of luxury cooks and fabulous people.

One of those people, Joan and Sara from “Can Joan i Sara”, have remembered me and wanted to give me this “Sol Brillante” award. They are wonderful, those of you who know them already know it, and those of you who don’t, I recommend you to come in and pay them a visit. You will feel at home and you will enjoy delicious recipes, a big kiss guys, thank you very much!

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